OnePacs downloading but not storing images to Gateway
OnePacs downloading but not storing images to Gateway
We are having an issue downloading images to the Gateway from the OnePACS. When we load outside cases from CD we push to our gateway as well, in case those images need to be sent out via VPN to another facility. We do this thru the Gateway. As of Friday the downloader on OnePacs will download the cases but not store to the Gateway. The Gateway is up and running. Any thoughts?
Re: OnePacs downloading but not storing images to Gateway
Really impossible to say without more information or logs. Are you able to verify the connection between the Study Retriever and the Gateway?
Re: OnePacs downloading but not storing images to Gateway
Resolved. Gateway computer SSID needed some "attention"
Re: OnePacs downloading but not storing images to Gateway
Good to hear. Thanks for the update Mindi.