merge studies
merge studies
If a patient returns for additional sequences, same day or next day, and appears separately as a "new" study, is it possible to merge it into the original exam?
Re: merge studies
Hi drglider -
Currently, there is no way to merge series into a different study on the web application. Studies are uniquely identified by a globally unique study instance UID which is created/generated by the modality. If this UID changes then OnePacs will consider it a new study. However, If the modality were to create a new series with an existing study instance UID, OnePacs would consider the images part of a new series of the existing study.
Currently, there is no way to merge series into a different study on the web application. Studies are uniquely identified by a globally unique study instance UID which is created/generated by the modality. If this UID changes then OnePacs will consider it a new study. However, If the modality were to create a new series with an existing study instance UID, OnePacs would consider the images part of a new series of the existing study.