OnePacs Workstation version 5.1 released

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OnePacs Workstation version 5.1 released

Post by admin » Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:59 am

OnePacs Workstation, version 5.1 has been released

This release includes numerous improvements, new features, and performance enhancements, including:

• Improved robustness of the study retriever, including an enhanced ability to efficiently recover if your internet connection experiences problems
• Option to store specified study types locally in decompressed format, to enhance performance and scrolling speed
• Option to open either text-edit or dictation-style reporting windows from within the workstation
• Option of shorter study retention times for the study retriever to free up disk space
• Improvements to study metadata display and layout in workstation
• Numerous improvements to workstation performance
• Improvements to spine labelling tool

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