OnePacs version 8.4 has been released

Release notes, system requirements, security alerts, etc.
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OnePacs version 8.4 has been released

Post by admin » Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:12 am

OnePacs version 8.4.1 has been released.

This update primarily involves enhancements and improvements to existing functionality. Improvements / features of this release include:

• Ability to attach files to messages in the HIPAA-compliant messaging system
• Improvements to case report link email feature
• Enhancements to the online QA issue management system
• Improvements to study preview and other functionality of the reporting dashboard
• 64-bit OS support for Gateway (transmission computer) software
• Enhancements in the worklist filtering user interface
• Improvements to the study notes feature
• Numerous other miscellaneous improvements

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