OnePacs Workstation for Windows, version 16.10 has been released

Release notes, system requirements, security alerts, etc.
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OnePacs Workstation for Windows, version 16.10 has been released

Post by admin » Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:57 am

OnePacs Workstation for Windows, version 16.10 has been released

This is a minor release incorporating user interface improvements, rather than significant new features.
(Users of OnePacs Workstation prior to version 16.8.61 must update to maintain Worklist communication functionality)

Changes in this release include:
-Updated security certificate (users of OnePacs Workstation prior to version 16.8.61 must update to maintain Worklist communication functionality)
-Users may switch between the traditional 1x2 hanging protocols and the newer 2x4 hanging protocols in Tools > Options > Layout (users' preferred hanging protocol layouts from prior versions are maintained on upgrade)
-Improved support for installation on PCs localized to use the Spanish language
-A few minor tweaks and interface improvements

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