I'm not understanding how OnePacs chooses which study types will be automatically highlighted when the radiologist opens the [Select Study Type] panel.
E.g., we have CT Routine and CT STAT. For some cases, it highlights correctly CT Routine instead of CT STAT, but for others, it doesn’t.
I have entered the words CT and STAT in the Matching Token field, but the results aren't always consistent.
From where does OnePacs pick this information for determining theses highlights?
Study Type Automatic Match
Re: Study Type Automatic Match
Hello -
OnePacs collects keywords from parts of the DICOM header for the study (ex. study description, modality, patient history, body part) and then matches those with the study type description, modality, and the additional matching keywords configured in the study type. You can place your mouse over the "Best <Modality> matches" and it will show a popup window for what is is matching on.
OnePacs collects keywords from parts of the DICOM header for the study (ex. study description, modality, patient history, body part) and then matches those with the study type description, modality, and the additional matching keywords configured in the study type. You can place your mouse over the "Best <Modality> matches" and it will show a popup window for what is is matching on.