OnePacs version 10.3 released

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OnePacs version 10.3 released

Post by admin » Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:37 am

The OnePacs system has been updated to version 10.3

This is a significant release and contains numerous new features and enhancements such as:

• Extensive enhancements to the report dictation page.
• Numerous workflow management improvements such as:
Assigning a study to another user no longer locks the study for reporting.
Added the ability to unassign a study (remove the assigned-to user)
Added a $USER token to advanced expressions that can be used to identify the current user.
Created an option to bypass user access filters for the purpose of allowing users assigned to a current case to view all previous comparison studies
• A configurable option to automatically delete study notes after a period of time
• Allow designation of user types who will have access to individual study notes
• Ability to update patient/study/series metadata on the server.
• Improvements to the study move feature.
• Simplification of user permissions and user account types.
• Various improvements to the user management page.
• Facility user managers can now manage other facility managers.
• Added optional ordering physician column to the worklist.
• Dropdown filter to the worklist to filter by stat status.
• Added a facility-configurable "critical" option in addition to stat status.
• Can define separate turn-around-time criteria for stat and critical cases.
• Can delete individual series within a study.
• Viewing of reports through the web interface is logged in study history audit.
• Numerous other performance and user interface enhancements.

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