OnePacs version 9.5 released

Release notes, system requirements, security alerts, etc.
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OnePacs version 9.5 released

Post by admin » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:49 am

OnePacs has been updated to version 9.5

This release includes numerous new features and improvements such as:

• Case alerts - be notified by email or SMS of arriving cases that meet designated criteria
• Expansion of details available in study history audit
• Osirix integration for Mac OS X users
• Additional fields available for data export
• Improved compression of studies uploaded via the web interface
• Option to send SMS or email alert on receipt of OnePacs messages
• Improvements to the Java applet-based full-featured viewer
• Additional simple web-based JPEG viewer features such as measurements and dynamic window level via drag and drop
• Integration with Osirix HD for the iPad or iPhone
• Conversion of incoming faxes or incoming documents to DICOM format
• Enhancements to report transmission and routing capabilities
• Enhancements to worklist functionality
• Numerous other new features and improvements

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