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Mozilla Firefox and OP Workstation/Study Retriever

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:37 am
by hayley

We are experiencing an issue with images NOT downloading to the WS/SR at all when working in Mozilla Firefox.
When the user switches to IE, everything works fine.
Any ideas what may be the cause? Just started happening last week.


Re: Mozilla Firefox and OP Workstation/Study Retriever

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:14 pm
by jeremy
Hi Hayley -
We would need more information. What version of the Workstation and study retriever? What version of Firefox? What antivirus is installed? Does the user have any add-ons in Firefox? Are the studies actually downloading to the study retriever (you could see this in the download manager of the study retreiver), but the worklist icons remain blue?

You can try to open the following URL in Firefox and IE on the users computer with the study retriever running. It should open a blank page. If it does not open a blank page (states that it cannot connect, etc) , please respond with what the browser page does show. ... callback=a

Re: Mozilla Firefox and OP Workstation/Study Retriever

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:55 pm
by hayley
Hi, This is what appears in the window when I go to the link provided. I thought I could make an exception for Firefox to allow/trust OnePacs, but that did not work.

a({version: '',user: '{username}',server: '',port: 443,connection: 0,freediskspace: 1314221629440,destinations: [
{name: 'OnePacs Workstation',connectionString: 'dicom://OPW@localhost:44104',active: true,allowsCompressed: true,connected: true},
{name: 'eFilm (default install)',connectionString: 'dicom://AE_TITLE@localhost:4006',active: false,allowsCompressed: true,connected: false},
{name: 'ONIS (default install)',connectionString: 'dicom://ONIS22@',active: false,allowsCompressed: false,connected: false}]

This user is working on the most recent version of Mozilla and Windows 8.1. Last week I uninstalled her WEBROOT AntiVirus, and installed Windows Security Essentials (Defender), also made an exception for OnePacs in Windows Defender. I can see the images are now loading to the Study Retriever but I am receiving an error "OP WorkStation was unable to load any of the images you requested" / icon turns green.

Thanks for your help!

Re: Mozilla Firefox and OP Workstation/Study Retriever

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:57 pm
by jeremy
Hello -
It sounds like the study retriever is working as expected now, but that the workstation isn't able to load images. Is this problem in both Firefox and IE? Without more information, it is difficult to say what the problem might be. You may want to try to either restart the computer or to try to uninstall and reinstall the OnePacs Workstation. If you choose to uninstall, you may want to send a message with some of the logs prior to the uninstall using the following instructions.