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Deleted Study and Cannot Re-submit it
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:29 pm
by jacintor
My client has sent me a study this morning but later decided to delete it from the worklist. Two hours ago, they tried re-sending the same exam again a couple of times without success. The exam seems to be sent correctly (no failure message pops up) but it is not showing on the worklist with the other exams that have been submitted. Out of four exams submitted simultaneously, this is the only one that is not coming through. Is there a time the system takes to update studies that have been deleted? Is it possible the OnePacs system still recognizes the study as deleted hence it does not include it on the worklist?
Re: Deleted Study and Cannot Re-submit it
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:52 pm
by jeremy
Hello -
The study likely exists on the OnePacs Gateway and thus will not reforward during a store. There are two options both of which involve logging into the OnePacs Gateway.
You may log into the gateway using one of the following.
(On the Gateway machine itself)
(Over your local facility network)
http://ADDRESS:8080/onepacsgateway where ADDRESS is the IP address of the Gateway.
The default username and password are
username: admin
password: onepacsadmin.
Option 1.
Find and delete the Study from the gateway and resend ... fymetadata (See section "Delete and Resend")
Option 2.
Find and push the study from the gateway.
1. Find the study using the gateway search functionality (Search by patient name for example)
2. Select the study using the checkboxes on the left side.
3. Select the "ONEPACS_WEB (Central OnePacs Server)" AE Title from the dropdown of AE Titles on the upper right side of the screen.
4. Click the Send button. It is the right most button next to the AE title dropdown box and looks like an arrow pointing up. When you place your mouse over it text will state. "Send selected entities to specific destination"
Re: Deleted Study and Cannot Re-submit it
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:12 pm
by jacintor
Great. It worked. Thank you!
Re: Deleted Study and Cannot Re-submit it
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:55 am
by DataTrade
I have a similiar issue that I figured I would post here. I have a patient that is showing up twice, same name, same patient ID. This patient has 4 different studies in the gateway. I am unable to send any more studies for this patient via the modality or CD. I have two more studies on a CD that would like to upload. It appears that a delete and resend is appropriate here. My issue, however, is that I do not have additional copies of the 4 studies that currently on the gateway. So, how can I get them off the gateway, delete the patient and resend?
Re: Deleted Study and Cannot Re-submit it
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:45 pm
by jeremy
This sounds like a different situation and I'm not sure a delete and resend will fix your problem. That said, you can see where an image file is stored on the disk using the gateway. Find the correct patient and study on the gate using the search fields in the OnePacs gateway and then use the plus sign on the left side to go down to the image level. At the last level you will see the path to the DICOM image file.
If you have tried to upload the images using the upload feature rather than the OnePacs Gateway and they did not store that may indicate that the DICOM is invalid. Sometimes, for example, the modality will produce duplicate UIDs for an instance, series, or study. These identifiers must be globally unique.