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Problem downloading studies

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:01 am
by hilario
Hello everybody.
I have the following situation:
- We are trying to work with a hospital.
- This hospital send his patients outside for the facility
- The facility send images to Onepacs
- The Doctor make the report
- The hospital want to get images and report.
- As far as I know, no way to connect onepacs to a remote PACs
then we installed a onepac retriever in the hospital.
this retriever download the studies for the hospital
an automatic procedure take the images and upload them to the hospital PACS.

The problem:
- the retreiver dowload everyday all the images studies making the system oveloaded.
I am trying to find a way to limit the download.

Any question or idea to clarify the issue?

Re: Problem downloading studies

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:01 pm
by tom

What do you mean by "making the system overloaded"? What in particular is being overloaded?

The study retriever can be configured to download according to any arbitrary set of rules you want. The default rule set is all unread studies for the past 3 days, plus whatever set of prior/other studies you configure to be automatically downloaded along with studies.

If you let me know what is being overloaded we can suggest a solution. Disk space? Bandwidth?


Re: Problem downloading studies

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:00 pm
by jeremy
Hi Hilario -

I am also curious as to what is being overloaded.

A couple of suggestions.

1. By default, the study retriever is configured to download studies for a radiologist and not for a facility looking for the images on studies for completed reports. Thus the query for what studies to download may not be configured properly.

Tom mentioned that you can change those rules. For example, the following would only download cases that were sent to OnePacs within the last 3 days and are READ or are for comparison cases that were sent within the last 6 hours. Note that studies would need to be in the READ or marked as for comparison in order to be downloaded.

((StudyStatusID in ('READ') and age(CreatedTime) < '3d') or (StudyStatusID = 'FOR_COMPARISON' and age(CreatedTime) < '6h')) and SeriesStatus = '0' and numberOfSeriesRelatedInstances < '600'

2. You can probably turn down the simultaneous downloads setting for this use of the study retriever as well if the system is being overloaded. You could probably turn it down to 1 or 2 studies to download if the system is being overloaded.

3. Don't delete the study retriever case copy while there is still a chance that the case will redownload if the case is deleted. In the above example all read studies are going to be downloaded for 3 days. Thus you probably want to keep the study retriever's copy for at least three days. Thus, set the "delete retriever's copy of studies after" setting to something that will not redownload the study (4 days might be a good option. )

4. You can also probably turn the polling interval to 10-20 minutes or so if you the system is being overloaded. This means that queries for new studies to download will only be looked for after 10-20 minutes.

More information ... downloader ... management (Section "Access tab") ... nd_filters

Re: Problem downloading studies

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:38 pm
by hilario
Thank you very much both for your information.
I probably used a confusing term with "overloaded"
The fact is the retriever is downloading all the studies again and again, generating more traffic on the line than the needed (not a big deal now, because we are in tests)

As you tell me, the query
((StudyStatusID in ('READY_TO_READ', 'UNCONFIRMED', 'ASSIGNED', 'IN_TRANSMIT') and age(CreatedTime) < '3d') \
or (StudyStatusID = 'FOR_COMPARISON' and age(CreatedTime) < '6h')) \
and SeriesStatus = '0' and numberOfSeriesRelatedInstances < '600'
should only download studies for the last three days, but we have the feeling this is not like this.

We are going to change downloadHistorySize(=7d,2000) to (=100w,20000) in order to check it doesn't try to download again something downloaded before.
We will also take the option of not deleting the files during the period in the SQL Query.

Thank you for all the suggestions they clarified me the situation, and now we have some interresting ideas to test.
Hilario Martinez

Re: Problem downloading studies

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:39 pm
by tom

You say: "The fact is the retriever is downloading all the studies again and again, generating more traffic on the line than the needed (not a big deal now, because we are in tests)"

I can think of one scenario in which it would happen, if you are running out of disk space on the local machine, and you have OnePacs workstation selected as a destination for the studies. If disk space is low and OnePacs Workstation needs to delete studies in order to free up space, OPW will tell the retriever that it deleted certain studies, so the retriever will mark them as no longer available. They will then be queued for download if they still meet criteria for download. The two-part solution would be to free up disk space, plus if you are just downloading studies to send them to your PACS, you don't need OPW as a destination anyway so you can unselect that.

Other than that possibility, I cant think of any reason this would happen. The retriever will download each study one (1) time and will not download it again. If it is really downloading the same study more than once other than because of running out of disk space on the computer, this is a surprising issue and I'd like to see the logs. Check the computer for whether the workstation is a destination or not, and what the study deletion settings are. If the workstation is a destination and doesnt need to be, unselect it. Check disk space. And in the workstation, check study deletion settings. It's set by default to store only 400 studies locally, and disk usage settings have a high watermark setting, if you are over that % of disk space, it will delete studies down to the low watermark. If you check all these things and they dont explain studies being downloaded more than once, send us the logs please, message to admin on OnePacs and let us know you did so.

Also when the retriever downloads a study, it also downloads other studies from that same patient for comparison, if they're not already available. The settings for that are in the "Prior studies" tab of preferences. So downloading one study can result in multiple studies being downloaded.

One other question, you wrote "As far as I know, no way to connect OnePacs to remote PACS". I'm not sure what you are referring to. What would you like to do with the remote Pacs and OnePacs? If you mean you want to transfer studies from OnePacs to a PACS elsewhere, then there is a way to connect it, which is precisely what it sounds like you're doing, using the study retriever to retrieve the desired studies and store them to PACS. You can just add the PACS system as a destination in the retriever destinations list.

At any rate, please send logs if you think it's really downloading the same study more than once and it's not because of the Workstation running locally, running out of disk space, and therefore deleting studies and marking them as unavailable.


Re: Problem downloading studies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:14 am
by hilario
We are going to follow all these recomendations.
Thanks you for the ideas.