Reinterpretation (Addendum)
Reinterpretation (Addendum)
When logged in under admin acct and submitting a case for re-interpretation (sending back for addendum) the resulting note requesting the addendum is defaulting to being only viewed by Radiologists instead of our default note setting of Rads and Rad Assistants. This is resulting in the notes not being visible to all of the team. Is there a way to set the default for reinterpretation notes ?
Re: Reinterpretation (Addendum)
The note will default to the most restrictive visibility allowed for the type of user that is entering the note. You can change the visibility by subsequently going to the notepad icon and clicking on "Manage Notes..."
The note will default to the most restrictive visibility allowed for the type of user that is entering the note. You can change the visibility by subsequently going to the notepad icon and clicking on "Manage Notes..."