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RE: Export key images to OnePacs Cloud

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:52 am
by caze.frazao
Great news!!!

What about key images integration with OnePacs cloud PACS? Is it available already?
If not, do you have the intention of developing this feature in a short term?


Re: RE: Export key images to OnePacs Cloud

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:28 pm
by john (from OnePacs)
Yes you can do that now.

Please note there are two icon tools that enable upload of data to the OnePacs cloud - there is an "Upload" icon (for uploading series to OnePacs), visible in the window showing the list of studies, and there is a "Save/Load presentation state" tool available when you are viewing a study. These tools appear as follows:
upload series.jpg
upload series.jpg (2.66 KiB) Viewed 63820 times
save PR.jpg
save PR.jpg (3.19 KiB) Viewed 63820 times
To use these tools, a user needs to (a) have write report permissions for the study in question, and (b) be logged in to OnePacs in the study retriever, which also has to be running.

If you want to save key images to the cloud, first mark the images as key images. Then, create a new series in the study composed of the key images by selecting the menu item File > Export > Export to Dicom Files.

Select the option "ROIs and key images" and save the new series. It will ask for a name for the new series, you can call it "Key images" if you like.

Then go back to the study list, and select the series in question and click on the "Upload" icon. If you are logged in and authenticated to OnePacs and have write report permissions for the study in question, the new series will be uploaded to the cloud and available to everyone who views the study.

Note also that the "Save presentation state" tool may be more appropriate depending on your use case.

If you mark up a particular image with annotations, such as measurements, you can use the "Save/Load PR states" tool to save those annotations back to the server. So if you wish to simply make measurements, annotations, etc., available to people who view the study, simply click on the "Save/Load PR states" tool while the active image contains the markups in question. These will be saved to the server and available to others who view the study.

Thanks, let us know any suggestions for improvement


Re: RE: Export key images to OnePacs Cloud

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 1:04 pm
by caze.frazao
I can't manage to make the "Upload to OnePacs" button active in my Horos.
I'm logged into both Web OnePacs and OnePacs Retriever, and Assigned to the Study... What else would I need to configure?

Re: RE: Export key images to OnePacs Cloud

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:45 am
by admin
It is also necessary for users to have the "upload studies via web" permission to use this feature, as it involves uploading a DICOM object from the computer to the OP system.

See documentation: ... stoOnePacs